14 October, 2014

The New Liebster Award

I remember a few months ago I was asked to do the first Liebster Award but since my blog was almost empty I never really got to do it, I thought I could give this one a try and talk a bit about myself. Lovely Alina from Beauty With Charm nominated me this time and now I'm here after almost 10 days (oops!) So here it goes: 

1. What are your top 3 bloggers and why?
Vivianna Does Makeup, Essie Button, and Lisa Eldridge. Even though I'm not sure if Lisa could be considered a blogger because she is rather a professional, but she posts a lot of useful information and what a better way to learn about than from the words of an expert. I love Vivianna and Essie because they do beauty in a really natural way, there can be a little drama in some looks but I love that they focus on what a normal person would actually use on an everyday basis. And their style is quite similar to mine, so I enjoy their fashion posts/videos. 

2. What drives you?

I've always had a need to do something extra, I'm definitely not a sports person, or a girl that went to dancing lessons when I was young (even though I did but I hated it, still do), so I tend to stick to activities that require a different type of talent. I love painting, I love art, I love beauty... just seeing people being so fascinated for painting their faces. Sometimes I'm in the middle of doing my makeup and I just laugh to think, when did all of this start? Who thought putting things on your lids and lips would mean something this big? The idea of being a completely different kind of person depending on the make up that you're wearing really fascinates me. 

3. What little thing makes you happy?

This one is a little tough because there isn't just one thing that makes me happy, I think all of those little happy things come together into my daily routine, to start the day with a cup of coffee (or tea, because I'm trying to stay away from coffee now), standing by the window listening to birds, being able to do whatever I want, being free. Something that I love is complete and absolute silence, no music, no birds, no clock sounds, plain silence gives me so much peace. 

4. What is your dream job/personal goal?
I had never thought about this deeply but I think it's starting go somewhere between design and my blog. I can't say I don't see myself blogging forever but I want to end up in a point where I handle both, I don't mind if they don't end up together as my job but I guess that would be the "dream" part. 

5. Do you have a favorite food?
If it has cheese it's probably my favorite! I don't have a specific favorite food, even though I'm going be proud of my country and say Mexican food is really good, thing is I stopped eating meat almost a year ago and I can't eat a lot of things that I liked haha. On the other side, I have a major sweet tooth! It's almost impossible to me to reject sweet food, specially pastry! 

6. What is your favorite beauty brand? (makeup or facial care, or hair etc)
I'm not sure if I can answer this one because I haven't tried as much makeup brands as I wish I did, my collection is rather small but I try to make the most out of it. Most of the products that I own are from MAC but I don't think that means it's my favorite one. 

7. Favorite clothes shop?
Again, I wouldn't really call it my favorite one, but I shop a lot on Zara and Bershka. Mostly because there isn't much variety where I live and their price range nice enough to keep me coming back every week regularly. 

8. What would be your spirit animal and why?
I remember like a month ago I did a quiz on this thing but I didn't feel like the answer was really me, do I guess I just forgot. The other day, a friend sent me a picture of a fat cat with a crown and said it reminded her of me, I wasn't very proud of that but I thought it was funny haha. 

9. Why did you start blogging?
To me it all started on tumblr; as everyone out there, I just reblogged pictures and did the usual stuff, then I started posting my own and eventually began to share my makeup every now and then. I wanted to show more, to do more looks and talk about it, almost as if I were a kid showing a drawing to her mom and asking "is it good?, Do you like it?", but in this case it was makeup and my audience was non existent. I guess blogging was my calling because there are a lot of people doing the same thing and what a best way to feel motivated than by seeing others love the same things as you, it's like getting ready with your friends for a night out and when you walk into the room there's makeup everywhere and we're all talking about how we look and taking pictures and being as girly as possible. 

10. Have you changed much over the last year?
Not so much I think, but definitely receiving compliments on posts is a major confidence booster, I'm sure we've all had a time when we felt a little low on ourselves. I'm now more adventurous with my makeup than before, I remember about 2 years ago I wore a red lipstick possibly for the first time (shocking, I know) and thought it looked horrible on me. Who would have thought that it would become my thing for whenever I want to look *extra classy*. 

11. If you could star in a TV series based on your life, what would it be? (sitcom, drama etc…)
Definitely a comedy, thankfully there's not much drama in my life! 

So those are the longest answers ever! To be honest I'm not sure who wants to do this tag or who hasn't done it but if you haven't and want to do it then go right ahead and tell me so that I can read your answers :) And thank you if you came all the way here and read the entire thing haha. X

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