12 September, 2014

The Autumn Tag!

I couldn't be more excited about this tag since I love autumn (as I'm pretty sure most of us do!) even though the weather around me is still stuck on late summer. 

I was tagged by the lovely Lindsay to do the Autumn Tag, it was created by Georgina. And it goes like this...

1.  Ok we're talking coffee's - what's your favorite seasonal drink from Starbucks or another coffee shop?
Even if it's not on Starbucks I always go for a Chai Latte with soy milk. I find Chai Lattes from local coffee shops taste a little bit different but I guess it's because Starbucks likes sugar! Either way, I love Chai drinks so the perfect way to have it in this time is in a warm cup. 

2.  Accessories - what do you opt for, scarf, boots, gloves?
I would say boots, probably scarves when I can't stand the cold but I always tucked my hair in my jacket and it worked as a scarf lol, maybe this year that won't happen because I cut off most of it. Boots are just perfect, they always make anything look more classy and you can get so much use out of them. Gloves are just annoying, I need to see my manicure!

3.  Music - what's your favorite music to listen to during Autumn?
Besides the usual music that I listen to, I like to play random instrumental playlists on Spotify all day just to stay in a chill mood. 

4.  Perfume - what's your favorite scent for this time of year?
I always down for sweet scents, a couple of years ago I came across the Juicy Couture fragrance and I couldn't stop smelling it! I remember telling the lady from the store that the smell reminded me of porcelain dolls (what?). This was actually around Christmas times but I still love to wear this on those cold months because the smell is really strong. 

5.  Candles - what scents will you be burning this season?
I don't have a specific candle but I'm definitely going for anything sweet! Every year I end up with something like vanilla or the typical apple and cinnamon scents. 

6.  What do you love most about Autumn?
It might sound really sentimental but I love that this is the season of transition, just to think how different things are from summer to fall just makes me love it even more. The weather, the clothes, the colors, everything goes from loud and vibrant to calm and soothing. 

7.  Favorite makeup look?
This is obviously my favorite question! The bold lips trend is definitely my favorite type of look, I love how you can get more playful this season. I like to pair up dark lips with golden eyeshadows, something like the Naked 2 Palette or the Chocolate Bar in case I feel more into the pinky shades for bolder eye looks. My favorite eyeshadow has to be Cranberry by MAC, there's never going to be a more perfect season to wear nude lips with this than fall. 

8.  What are you looking forward to most in Autumn? 
Basically everything I mentioned! I'm looking forward to a colder weather with leggings and loose sweaters, coffee and chai madness, stronger makeup looks... All the things that come with Fall. This is one of my happiest times in the year and the best part is that it means Christmas is coming quite soon!!  

I tag: 
Alina from Beauty With Charm 
Melanie from Melaniface
Alyson from Beauty Vanity
Hanh from Hanhabelle
And whoever is reading this!

Please let me know in the comments if you do the tag so I can see your answers :) 

the 'gram

© Noirette Diary.