17 June, 2014

Featured in StyleCaster!!

I'm so honored to have been featured in StyleCaster's Instagram accounts to follow. I was lucky enough to share this with other blogs/instagram accounts such as Oracle Fox, LD Creative Shop, Noelle Kramer, Sa Belle Vie, Label Ingénue, Ashley Brooke Designs, This Is Glamorous, Stephany Ayinda, Hello Frankie Stationery, Shot From The Street, The Tiffany Pratt, and Cake For Breakfast Shop

Estoy muy feliz de haber sido promocionada en la lista de StyleCaster de cuentas a seguir en Instagram. Tuve la suerte de compartirlo con otros blogs/cuentas de Instagram como Oracle FoxLD Creative ShopNoelle KramerSa Belle VieLabel IngénueAshley Brooke DesignsThis Is GlamorousStephany AyindaHello Frankie StationeryShot From The StreetThe Tiffany Pratt, y Cake For Breakfast Shop

A little detail: I'm not 27, I'm 23 ;)   /   Un pequeño detalle: no tengo 27, tengo 23 ;)

I followed a few of these accounts (cause I was obviously following some before!). Most of them have their blog links on their profiles so you should check them out!

Seguí algunas de estas cuentas (¡porque obviamente ya seguía a unas desde antes!). La mayoría de ellas tienen el link de sus blogs en sus perfiles para que puedan verlos!

the 'gram

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