27 May, 2019

The most long wearing lipsticks I've ever tried

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios 1

Liquid lipsticks that last a long time can be risky sometimes. They either dry out your lips or crack a bit on the inner rims after a couple of drinks. I tried these Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink liquid lipsticks that claim to last #NudeFromAMtoPM and, yes, they definitely do!

Los labiales líquidos que duran mucho tiempo pueden ser algo arriesgados. Algunos secan tus labios y otros se empiezan a craquelar por dentro después de un par de bebidas. Probé estos labiales de Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink que dicen durar #NudeDeAMaPM y sí, ¡definitivamente duran! 

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios 2

I'm going to say this right off the bat: these are probably the most longwearing liquid lipsticks that I have ever tried. They're not my favorite formula as they feel a tiny bit dry after a while (and by a while I mean 5 hours, which is quite understandable) but the color stays put perfectly and they don't look as if my lips were about to fall apart. They have an incredible color range, from nudes to reds to bright pinks to sultry purples, everything. There's another shade that I got later on called Pioneer, which is a true deep red. I have a Highlight on my Instagram Stories called Red Lips creating a look with it if you want to check it out. 

As I said, they get slightly dry but nothing that makes them uncomfortable. What surprised me the most was the durability on the inner rims on the lips. I wore the red shade Pioneer from 12:30 pm until about 1:00 am—that's about 12 hours and many drinks and meals later. The color seemed almost perfect until my last meal and I even struggled to remove it (must use an oil based remover). If I had to rate these lipsticks with a grade, I'd say 9/10. 

Voy a decir esto ya de una vez: estos son probablemente los labiales líquidos más duraderos que he probado. No son mi fórmula favorita, ya que se sienten un poquito secos después de un tiempo (y por un tiempo me refiero a 5 horas, lo cual es muy entendible) pero el color se queda en su lugar perfectamente y no hacen parecer que mis labios están a punto de deshacerse. Tienen una gama de colores increíble, desde nudes a rojos a rosas brillantes a morados intensos, todo. Hay otro tono que me llegó después llamado Pioneer, un rojo intenso. Tengo unas Historias Destacadas llamadas Red Lips en mi Instagram haciendo un look con él por si lo quieren ver. 

Como mencioné, se empiezan a secar un poco pero nada que los haga incómodos. Lo que me sorprendió fue la durabilidad en la parte interior de los labios. Usé el tono rojo Pioneer desde 12:30 pm hasta casi la 1:00 am—son casi 12 horas y mucha comida y bebidas después. El color se veía casi perfecto hasta mi última comida e incluso batallé para quitármelo (debes usar un desmaquillante de aceite). Si tuviera que darles una calificación sería 9/10. 

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios tono shade 60 poet
Shade: 60 Poet — Light nude pink  //  Rosa carne claro

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios tono shade 55 driver
Shade: 55 Driver — Yellow toned pale nude  //  Carne pálido en tono amarillo

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios tono shade 65 seductress
Shade: 65 Seductress — Pinky brown nude  //  Rosa café nude

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios tono shade 100 philosopher
Shade: 100 Philosopher — Light lilac  //  Lila claro

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios tono shade 95 visionary
Shade: 95 Visionary — Deep purple with slight grey tone  //  Morado profundo con ligero tono gris

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios tono shade 90 huntress
Shade: 90 Huntress — Grey with a hint of purple  //  Gris con un toque morado

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios tono shade 80 ruler
Shade: 80 Ruler — Deep red with a pink undertone  //  Rojo profundo con un tono rosa

maybelline long wearing lasting liquid lipstick super stay matte ink swatches prueba color labial larga duracion maybellinemx mexico beauty blogger belleza noirette diary liquido labial lipstick barra labios tono shade 85 protector
Shade: 85 Protector — Intense reddish brown  //  Café rojizo intenso 


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